5 Keys to Naturally Better Vision
Our vision is our primary means of relationship to the world around us. Of the five physical senses, vision is the most dominant and useful sense. Yet, over half the people in this country (U.S.A) wear glasses or contacts. Needing corrective-lenses to see clearly is now considered normal, though there are ways to have better vision naturally without the use of any artificial means and complicated procedures like surgery. In this article, I will disclose 5 keys to naturally better vision that has been tried and tested by thousands of individuals over years. Key#1 Blink Regularly : Blinking is a natural preserver of your better vision. Blinking cleanses and lubricates the eyes. When there is no tension, your eyes blink 10-12 times every minute, or about once every 5 seconds. But people who do not see clearly tend to stare and unconsciously hold their eyes open, which causes strain as well as the feeling of dry and tired eyes. Consciously remind yourself to blink every 3-5 seconds. T...